cdMILK is the ever changing personal website of a person with ever changing tastes. It hosts my writing and collections of many other things, including things I've found on the internet, books I've read, and more. Click around and enjoy!
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site updates
Put the blog page back and added in two articles; One from the old layout of my website and a new one! I also edited the tabs...
Added in my guestbook and a visitor counter!! I'm also testing the JavaScript I tried to run...
New website layout and it hasn't even been a month! Many new features including the website marquee (which I need to fix later), my button (which I also need to fix up...), and logo. I also figured out how to use Neocities' CLI, so updating the site is much more efficient than doing it manually.
Added the log page and a new article.
New website layout (yet again)!
cool sites!
music of the week
July 2-8, 2023
Cafe 1930 - Astor Piazolla
This is one of my favorite compositions from Piazolla.

Got a 4 in AP Chemistry! I've been doing summer homework all day for the past few days. My brain feels melted.
I've been playing Fire Emblem: Awakening all day. Stressing over the AP scores coming out soon.
Well, it's July. School has barely left my mind...
I had a big headache for most of the day, so I slept through most of it;;;
I've been on summer break for almost a month now. I've been spending the first half of it relaxing, but now it's time to get back on the grind...
(´_`。) | Currently listening to: Big Ideas - Arctic Monkeys