So far, my summer has been quite uneventful. I've only seen my friends twice, not including band practice, throughout the entire two months that I've been on break. I've been asked to hang out multiple times, but I've always had to cancel because I can't leave my sisters unsupervised while my parents work. It's frustrating, but I'd say my summer break was still somewhat fun.
For instance, at the beginning of June, I installed CFW onto my 3DS and I started working on this website again. I've also played quite a few games and read a few books. I also finished my seventh journal and I already have my eighth and ninth ones planned out... You know, the more I keep on listing the activities I've done, the more I'm starting to see myself as Rapunzel. My parents are also quite strict, so biking is pointless to me because I can only ride within my neighborhood (you look at it enough, and American suburbia will begin to sicken you).
It is the inaccessibility of social interaction that makes me dread every summer break. Despite how much I dislike the whole thing of social interaction and its intricacies, I would like it if I could go out and spend time with my friends more often. Anyways, the school year starts soon which means that I'm going to start seeing a lot more people now. It's kind of a good thing and also not really. I am looking forward to seeing some of my teachers; I would like to say hi to last year's history teacher every once in a while. She was very helpful in terms of preparing for the AP World History exam.
In other mundane things, I finally finished Fire Emblem: Awakening after restarting a good 3 or so times. I first tried emulating it on my PC, but somehow the files got lost and I said goodbye to the first save file. I started again a few weeks ago when I installed CFW onto my 3DS, and oh boy have I been having the time of my life playing all the games I couldn't pay for as a kid. Well, I'm still a kid, but you know what I mean. I'm currently playing Fates on the Birthright route, and the gameplay is super fun. I'm going to have to go back and do the other two routes when I have the time because I doubt I'll finish it before school starts. My left wrist started hurting a while ago because I've been redoing my entire website all in one go, and all the typing is starting to get to me. On the topic of games that I've been meaning to play but just haven't, here is a non-exhaustive list and then some:
As you can see, I have a thing for not getting around to doing things. Luckily, these are just video games and I'll always be able to come back to them at one point or another in my life. I also have plenty of books that need to be perused but that is a whole other list I will refrain from making in this entry.
Oh, also my chair, which was previously my mom's old office chair, is starting to rip at the seams. It's not uncomfortable, but it does take up quite a lot of space in my room. I'm hoping to replace it with something a little smaller at some point in time, but considering my plans for the future, I might just wait until I move out or the chair is hopelessly messed up. I'm hoping that I'll move out before the chair is completely ruined, but considering the current state of the economy, I don't know which will happen first.
I am secretly hoping that college will be the chance I finally get away from everything and start a new chapter in life, but I'm bracing myself for a rude awakening from a myriad of life's lemons: finances, socializing (especially networking oh god), and living away from home, just to name a few sour things. Not to mention the fact that I'm still aimlessly scrolling through majors and jobs and colleges to go to... I do have a list (unsurprisingly) of a few colleges I'd like to attend. I've limited myself to staying in state because the rates for students out of state in the colleges I want to go to? Absurd. I'm pretty sure there are some colleges out there demanding more than a year's worth of my household's income just to attend, which makes my head hurt. As my graduation date inches ever so closely, college's shadow grows on the psyche.
Anyways, I am going to ramble on about this school year before I stop myself. I'm taking 4 AP classes, which seems like a lot (it is a lot), but considering how bonkers my schoolmates and college admissions are, I feel like I'm not doing enough. The thing is, I am doing enough and am probably going to be doing too much throughout the school year, but I know I'm going to make it through. Maybe? Not really. I've done some preparation to make sure I don't fall behind/stay more organized this year, but that will be put to the test soon enough. I do want to try vlogging my school days (as if my excessive writing wasn't enough for me) in the hopes that I can finish editing one video. There's a certain challenge in trying not to capture my face and not being able to do voiceovers and filming in public that makes vlogging a very entertaining medium to me. We'll see. Ok, perhaps this was too much for my wrist.