Ramble 1
Recounting another day in summer break
Created: July 16th, 2023
Today was not eventful, as most days tend to be. I woke up around 9 AM, then proceeded to sleep in until 11. It's a bad habit that'll go away on school days and reappear the moment a break begins. I just finished knitting this pair of striped legwarmers, whose pattern I will write down and post here within the next few weeks... With all of the record-breaking heat, I can't wear it until later in the year, which is a bummer. My summer break is worryingly empty considering the standards for college applicants nowadays. I am looking forward to a less intense school year extracurricular-wise, but I just know that all of those AP classes are going to get me one way or another. Also, the first anniversary of this website passed a few days ago (July 11th), but I can't really do much to celebrate. I've restarted the layout of this website too many times to count, which means that I haven't done much. If I'm being honest, I'm starting to want to change again, which is worrying but I'm holding off on doing so for a few reasons: 1) I just coded this layout. 2) I have many layouts in mind, but none of them will ever be as mobile-friendly as this. I like to look at my website from my phone, so if I can't navigate it easily, then I feel the need to fix it.
Anyways, onto something a little less headache-inducing than that... I recently started Osamu Dazai's "No Longer Human." The main character is quite relatable. I still have a bunch of books on my TBR list, but it's pretty short so I hope I can finish it soon. I was thinking that I could also read another longer book alongside it, so I've also picked "A People's History of the United States" back up. I know the text is small because the book is very long, but it does make it hard to follow whenever my eyes get tired.
I had band practice today. It was the first time we've gotten together in weeks; one of our members is out of state. They still are, but we really needed to practice before we all got seriously bent out of shape. The latter half of practice was spent trying to make a song, and we got a rough draft done. I'm kinda excited to see where the rest of it will go. I need to remember to write lyrics for it... Speaking of music, I fumbling around on the guitar and then I spent an embarrassingly long time trying to play a drum pattern that would match the guitar. My attempts were futile, so I just changed around the guitar part to match the drums.
The latter half of summer break is currently here, so I'm trying to get some review in before school starts. I was also thinking of meeting up with my friends, but it's practically impossible to do because I have to watch my sisters during the weekdays, and then on weekends I have band practice or people are busy. I guess it's fine if I can't visit it with friends, but I'd really like to go to the rollerskating rink before the summer ends. I haven't been there in a long while, and it's fun exercise. There's this thing called aggressive inline skating, which I would love to learn how to do. It would be awesome to be able to skate around town, and I think skating aggressively would give me more routes to skate upon. However, it's way too hilly and I would rather not fall down the steep inclines around town on my skates. That's what the bike is for.