Earlier today, I fried some tikoy with my mother. It isn't something I've had before due to living in America, but it's really good. Once it's fried, it's super chewy and smells quite sweet. I didn't eat as much as I wanted to because for some reason, more than two of them made me slightly nauseous. I also happened to step on a sharp weed my dog brought in, which may have ruined the tasting experience...
Two nights ago, I found that I had the Drawn to Life collection mysteriously installed onto my 3DS. I don't remember downloading it, but it was a game I played often before I lost my DS. I have a physical copy of it, but I didn't have it inserted when I found it in the DSi menu on my 3DS. It was a weird but pleasant surprise, and I spent a good hour or two playing through the first level. I don't see myself finishing it though. The pixel art is super cute, but the story is lackluster and platformer games are kinda "eh" to me. It's not that I don't like them, I just prefer other methods of gameplay. Plus, I got the feeling that Drawn to Life was kinda empty. It's the main point of the game to try and restore everything by drawing/coloring it in, but everything the player makes just looks silly compared to the rest of the nice pixel art. I also think I got really lucky with AC:NL; I got the Cyrus dialogue, caught Isabelle sleeping, and got Nookling Junction upgraded all in two days. I really do need a new case for my 3DS; It only has a few scratches, but I would not like to add to that number.
I'm currently knitting a lunchbag for myself; I hope it fits the lunchbox I have because I've just been eyeing the measurements. This is the first time I'm using the linen stitch, and it's working up much slower than stockinette. However, I'd say that it's worth it because the fabric it produces is much denser and straighter. It should be good for retaining heat or keeping things cold, plus condensation would be absorbed. I want to take a photo once it's done and upload it onto my website :D